Sunday, January 4, 2015

over Used words

"I'm fine"
"It's fine"
"Oh no i'll be fine"
"This is fine"
 I wish people would realize how limited there vocabulary is.

"I'm okay"
"It will be okay"
"Oh no that's okay"
"Yeah sure okay."

These two words in particular i use a lot. For some reason I can't seem to stop using them. There ingrained in my being. But the thing is there really isn't another word that has such a nice ring to it as okay and fine do.

Okay is even a multimillion dollar quote from The Fault In Our Stars written by John Green. Everyone uses it. But you see hazel and Augustus uses it as there always. A word to show the undying love for ea. other but trying not to be to sappy about it. Young adult romances have a right to use the word excessively, actual human being don't. I don't know. There's this thing called a thesaurus. Some people might want to read it.

Cause when your in an argument it feels really nice to say "Okay sure, really" Like a sarcastic bitch.
Not " Alrighty than" No other word could replace okay in this scenario. It the pure exctasy in the word that makes it so irresistible.

When your ordering pizza and they say "That will be 17.98" and you say "Okay"

When I am on the phone with any of my family members the only thing that comes out of my mouth is fine and okay.
"Can u do the dishes before I get home"
"I'll be home in 15 minutes."

"Your pizza will be delivered in 30 minutes or less"
"Okay, fine"

Combining the two is extremely satisfactory. I use them so much I think maybe some people think I don't have a vocabulary at all. I want to assure everyone that I can use bigger words then okay and fine. My brain just chooses not to cause it's so easy to fall back on all the simple syllable words i know and "Okay" and "Fine" fit perfectly in that category.

That ultimately make u feel like a simple syllable person.

Sunday, December 28, 2014


I want to live in the woods.

 But not alone. I want to make a community of people that understand me and want to learn and prosper. To live in a tight knit community of people who live off the land and aren't dependent on anything the world makes. We will use things from the outside world... but we will not become attached to them. The commodity will be there to help us prosper but we will not become addicted to it.
The amish do this. But Religion dictates their life. I want a place where there is no religion some common rules like respect and good human nature towards everyone in the village, but other than that everyone wants the whole to prosper. All of them would enjoy each other's company. All of them need to understand we all die and there is nothing afterwards.
It would be a community of the elites: a perfect community. I know people have been thinking about this forever perpetually. Is it so bad I wish for this too.

Naw fam you good.

Friday, July 4, 2014


“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” 
― Albert Einstein

What is the one thing that is always questioned but never understood?
The one thing that is always there but never seen?
You can't smell it, see it, taste it?
You can feel it though but we will never know exactly why?
Probably one of the most persistent things on earth and no one will ever grasp it. Only now are we grasping at its straws.
We know how to defy it, but we don't know how to remove it fully.
Think about it.....

Gravity is all around us and we can't see it. I can't smell gravity or taste it and no one truly knows why we have it. Something so quintessential to our everyday lives on this earth and no one really questions how or why we have gravity. It keeps the EVERYTHING from aimlessly floating off into space.
In actuality we should have probably been devoured by the sun a millennia ago, but were still here. Miraculously.
 I asked google what is gravity? and this is what it gave me
 "Gravity is a force pulling together all matter (which is anything you can physically touch). The more matter, the more gravity, so things that have a lot of matter such as planets and moons and stars pull more strongly.
Mass is how we measure the amount of matter in something. The more massive something is, the more of a gravitational pull it exerts. As we walk on the surface of the Earth, it pulls on us, and we pull back. But since the Earth is so much more massive than we are, the pull from us is not strong enough to move the Earth, while the pull from the Earth can make us fall flat on our faces.
In addition to depending on the amount of mass, gravity also depends on how far you are from something. This is why we are stuck to the surface of the Earth instead of being pulled off into the Sun, which has many more times the gravity of the Earth".   

This definition is quite thorough but it skirts around the actual question? What actually is gravity? It's a force yes but WHY? Why does all matter pull together? Why does it keep us on this earth? And how could, out of the nothing that is black matter, did this "gravity" come from.

But my main point to this is that we can't explain something that effects us sooo heavily? But we sit here and try to explain everything else. Like how other planets are constructed and how we are constructed. But we just can't. Everything we know is hypothesized. Math and science were created by man just like religion and how do we know that anything we have hypothesized is actually true. How do we know anything? If we can't explain the one thing that is happening to us all the time. How could we explain anything else.

Our reality is man made. Our speech is just noises coming out of our mouths our letters are just random lines combined to look aesthetically pleasing and our languages are all just random letters combined meticulously to create a locally excepted way of communicating. But we created all of it. We have created our reality's and the thing is my reality is different from yours and your neighbors and the bagger at the grocery store. Because every single one of us has something different going on in that random head of ours but we all except some concepts as the truth. As un-moving unwavering constants that can not be questioned. They just are. But probably the biggest constant can't even be explained. Still we create all these things and all these hypothesis's to explain the world we live in and we just can't.

We could never explain the world we live in. We could never explain other worlds. We can't fathom our own world non the less to try and apply these shaky constants to another world.

Completely preposterous. But i guess it's a good past time.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Check this out

Why the cheap, mass-produced food we eat is killing our environment, our economy — and us

Factory Farming

I just find these interesting so check um out

Oh you have a new boyfriend..... I bet he's an ugly bastard.

When we talk about relationships the first thing that comes out of our mouths is always there appearance.
"I have a NEW boyfriend"
"Oh really, What does he look like?"
"Whats your opinion of my new friend?"
"I don't know, she kinda has a weird face."
If there's a new girl in class the first comment to, or about her, is about her weave. You think we could think of something more intellectual to say about someone when we first see them. Or something positive at least. But everyone's first impression is always going to be negative and appearance based. And have you noticed whenever someone brings up someone's name in a conversation you automatically place the name with the face and your opinion on that person is probably based on how they look. Why does that matter so much? It seems that people don't have other people's names in there mouth's more or less there facial features or ashy skin.
It's programmed into our minds to connect faces with names. But why do we obsess over the physical appearance of one another. The way a person looks is always at the forefront of our minds. If not someone else's but our own appearance.
So technically your real first impression of someone occurs even before that person has opened their mouths; because before that, you have already sized them up and down and placed them in some superficial file in your brain.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

White Hatred

Please read and give me your opinions and comments below because i just don't understand.

I don't claim to know anything about Native Americans or Native American Culture.

There's just such unneeded hatred towards white people from Native Americans. They say that we came in and stole their land. Which i don't deny at all. At first the Europeans came in and claimed whatever land they landed on. The America's were a land of wealth and plentiful natural resources. Also in human nature, people think superior of themselves when the competition doesn't have the upper hand (Refined metals). Europeans came and Spread disease and were responsible for mass homicides of the Native American people. I'm going to say NA from now on, because Native American is a lot to type. It wasn't fair for Whites to do that. It wasn't fair or justifiable,but that was over 600 years ago. The first landing in America was 600 years ago (1415). The last epidemic of the native people were 300 years ago (Vaccinations). And the last large killing of NA people where 200 years ago (Settlement in California). That is more than 2 generations ago. I can understand some lingering resentment to in the older population of  NA's but for that older generation to teach and spread the hatred isn't just or fair. The children of people who are wronged shouldn't have ideals and opinions forced open them from their parents. The parents shouldn't force their experiences and opinions on their children. Their children should create their own opinions and ideas of things. Especially if its something as severe and negative as hatred and blatant racism like what you see in this video.

My jaw was on the floor after I watched this video. I didn't know such resentment and racism still existed in such an open and welcoming society. I knew there was pockets of racism still in this country, but their seems to be a collective resentment to the White person from many other ethnicity's. Basically an opposite form of racism that we see in the Segregation era of this country. NA where one of the many groups of people whites segregated in this time period. And i was looking around on the internet and there's a basic consensus that whites think they're better then everyone else. But that isn't true. If i have ever seen Caucasian superiority it isn't in a rude way or demeaning way. NA posts i have seen have started off educational and interesting, then they go on a rant about how their ethnicity is so important and sacred to the history of this country. Where i don't see white people going around blabbing and ranting about on the internet about how their so high and superior then other ethnicity's. Or maybe not as blatantly. You would think since NA's were segregated they would understand what it feels like to be alienated but they still seem to pick apart everything the "white man" does.  

I was reading another blog and they where talking about how the the Hipster trend uses head dresses and how it was rude. How the use of head dresses is inappropriate and insulting to the NA culture. But he not only went into how it was wrong, but then deluded himself into talking about how...

"By the sheer fact that you live in the United States you are benefiting from the history of genocide and continued colonialism of Native peoples. That land you’re standing on? Indian land. Taken illegally so your ancestor who came to the US could buy it and live off it, gaining valuable capital (both monetary and cultural) that passed down through the generations to you. Have I benefited as well, given I was raised in a white, suburban community? yes. absolutely. but by dismissing and minimizing the continued subordination and oppression of Natives in the US by donning your headdress, you are contributing to the culture of power that continues the cycle today"

Where he was talking about the how headdresses promote stereotyping of NA cultures and how headdresses have a lot of spiritual and cultural significance. But then almost randomly added this to it. Which wasn't needed for nothing more then to kick his enemy while he was down which is just rude and not needed. There's just so much pent up anger that the NA american people have against white people and it's been so long since we've truly affected there life styles. Right now they have every single right everyone else has they can live where ever they so please just like everyone else who is a United States citizen. Just the topic of social appropriation of anything involving NA culture is so touchy and i don't see the point in it. Or i just don't have all the information but that's just my opinions. 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

50 indie songs

  1. American authors-Best day of my life
  2. Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes-Home
  3. Fleetwood Mac- Never going back  again
  4. The Moring Benders-Excuses
  5. Freetance Whales- Generator 1st floor
  6. Noah and the whale- 5yrs time
  7. The lighthouse and the whaler- White Days
  8. Ra Ra Riot- Boys
  9. The mamas and The Pappas- Dream a little dream of me
  10. Vampire Weekend- A Punk
  11. Milford and sons- Feel the tide
  12. Iron and Wine-Flightless bird, American mouth
  13. Jasmine Thompson- Almost lover
  14. Arcade Fire- no cars go
  15. The Beatles- Blackbird
  16. Passion Pit- Swimming in the Flood
  17. Vampire weekend- Walacott
  18. The Temper Trap- Sweet Disposition
  19. Iron and Wine- Upward over the Mountain
  20. Mumford and Sons- Winter Winds
  21. Mumford and Sons- Roll away your Stone
  22. The Black Keys- These days
  23. Billie holiday- I'll be seeing you
  24. The Killers- All these things that I've done
  25. Iron and Wine- Each coming night
  26. The wood brothers- Luckiest Man 
  27. Thurston Harris and the Sharps- Little bity, Pretty one
  28. Vampire weekend- The kids don't stand a chance
  29. Noah and the Whale- 2 atoms in a molecule
  30. Passenger- Let her go ( acoustic)
  31. The Rolling Stones- Sympathy for the devil
  32. George Harrison- Here Comes the Sun
  33. Rusted Roots - Send me on my way
  34. Mike Snow- Animal
  35. Iron and Wine- Sunset soon forgotten
  36. OCMS- Wagon Wheel
  37. Matt and Kim- Daylight
  38. The Congo- Come with me now
  39. Phillip Phillips- Home
  40. Modest Mouse- Dashboard
  41. STRFKR- Rownald Georgory the second
  42. Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes- I saw her standing there
  43. Jack Johnson- Better Together
  44. The Animals- The house of the setting sun
  45. The Strokes- Someday
  46. Xavier- Messages
  47. Vampire Weekend- Ottoman
  48. Franz Ferdinand- Take me out
  49. Grizzly bear- 2 weeks
  50. Tristan Prettyman- All I want is you